Norms for authors

Please read these instructions carefully and follow them strictly to ensure that the publication of your article is as efficient as possible. Publishers reserve the right to return manuscripts that do not follow these instructions.

All material required for publication in Economía y Política must be sent by e-mail to the journal ( Articles submitted for publication must be original, not previously published in any other language and should not be under review for publication in any other Chilean or foreign journal. If the article is accepted it cannot be later published in another serial publication. If articles include previously published figures, tables or materials that do not meet the scientific citation standards, permission must be obtained for the use of intellectual property prior to submission to the journal.


Articles may have an extension of between 8,000 and 12,000 words. This includes the entire article: title of the article, author/s, abstract in Spanish and English, key words in Spanish and English, author’s note, acknowledgements, notes in general, body of text and bibliography used. Items must be clearly written in Spanish or English, and must be submitted in electronic format on letter size paper with margins of 25mm at the top and bottom and 31mm on the sides, in Times New Roman, size 12, spacing 1.5, both in the body of text as in notes and quotations.

Authors should send a single file with the complete manuscript (first page, abstract, key words, text, figures). This facilitates the editorial process and saves time when revising the articles. This should apply both to the original version and any later changes. Texts and figures should go after the bibliography and be referenced in the text under the indication: ‘Insert Figure N ° / Table N ° here’. Use short file names when recording your document for shipping and avoid special characters, symbols, ratings and others that may interfere with the reading of the file.

The journal uses a system of references within the text with the bibliography at the end. Reduce footnotes in your text as much as possible. If it is essential, use the automatic Word note system, place the note indication after the punctuation and use the same reference rules. Avoid using underlined, italic, bold or quotes to emphasize words. Italics should only be used in titles of publications or for expressions in foreign languages; bold only for section titles; double quotes only for textual quotations in the body of the text; single quotes to highlight certain concepts; underlining does not apply in any situation. Do not index any paragraph except textual quotations of more than 40 words as indicated below.

Before submitting your article for review, remove from the body of the text any indication that may suggest a relation to the authorship of the text of the author(s). Economía y Política uses an anonymous peer review system (two evaluators per article). Any references to the author(s) appearing in the text will be grounds for deletion of the article from the review process. In the exceptional case of a self-citation, the author/s should refer to themselves as '(Author 1 Year)', '(Author 2 Year)', etc., and not to be included in the bibliography.


The first page of the article must contain the title and, centered underneath, the name of author(s) with their first name and a single last name (artificially made up names, such as 'Raúl Rojas-Artiagoitía' will not be accepted). In addition, you must provide a header of less than 40 characters.

Only the contact details of the main author(s) will be indicated. A footnote with an asterisk (*) must indicate Center or Department to which they belong, University and Institutional email. After this you can write general acknowledgments or funding associated with article research.

A summary in Spanish of no more than 300 words should be included under the authors. The abstract should be understandable to readers before they have read the article. There, any reference or quotation should be avoided. It is vitally important that the abstract reflects the central problem and conclusions of the article. You can also indicate the type of research methodology used if this is the case. The abstract in English must be a translation of the summary in Spanish. Five key words are also requested, in Spanish and English, that reflect the content of the article. Remember that these key words are the identifiers of your article and it depends on them for it to be found in related research topics.


Economía y Política uses a system of references included in the text and the bibliography at the end. In the text, each reference must be indicated with its author and year, and must include the page number quoted if it is a textual quote.

Citations within the text equal to or less than 40 words must be enclosed in double quotes and end with (Author Year: Page). For example: (Smith 2013: 235); if the quote uses two pages: (Smith 2013: 235-6). If the author’s name is written in the text, only year and page number are required in parentheses. For example: “As stated by A. Smith (2013: 235-6) ...”. In these cases, any punctuation goes after the reference. Likewise, when the authors are named in the text, indicate the first time their initial and their last name; then use only their last name.

When quotations are greater than 40 words, they must be without quotation marks with an internal margin of 10mm (in addition to the margins of the page), both on the left and right sides. These passages should not be underlined or italicized. The final point is after the textual quotation is concluded. After this the reference is entered in the form (Author Year: Page), as in the previous case. After the reference, there is no punctuation.

Use the following indications for specific situations:

- Separate publications by the same author with commas. E.g. (Marx 2001, 2003, 2010).

- Separate different authors in the same reference with commas. E.g. (Smith 2013, Marx 2010, Hobsbawm 2010).

- Distinguish works of the same author or file and of the same year with correlative letters.

E.g. (Hobsbawm 2011a, 2011b). Pay attention to how (Hobsbawm 2011, 2011a, 2011b) is incorrect. If the work cited does not have a year, substitute a year for s/f. If you cite more than one work by the same author or cite the same yearly file source, add correlative letters in square brackets. E.g. (AHA s / f [a], s / f [b]).

- In case of more than one author use text reference as follows: (Smith, Marx and Hobsbawm 2013). Do not use &.

- For cases of more than three authors use the following form: (Adorno et al. 2013), and include all authors in bibliography.

- Do not use any type indications op. cit., Ibid., Idem, etc. Each reference must be indicated in its respective modality.

- Never use p. pp. for displaying pages. These are reserved for the review section in the reference to a single book.

- When you indicate the pages both in the references within the text and in the bibliography at the end, delete the digits of the ten that repeat. E.g. (Vargas 2012: 423-5). Pay attention that the form (Vargas 2012: 423-425) is incorrect. To indicate the source files, use full numbering. E.g. (AHA 1817: 271-275). Pay attention that the form (AHA 1817: 271-5) is incorrect.

- Organize the bibliography in alphabetical order by surname. Authors with more than one reference must be sorted by year, with the earliest publication (or s/ f when it exists) in the first place. In these cases, repeat the authors name. Do not use hyphens.

- In cases where the argument requires an original year of publication, do so as follows: (Marx 2010 [1963]).

- Titles of books, magazines and newspapers must be in italics and indicate year. Do not use abbreviations. Only files are abbreviated.

- Titles of book chapters, articles or web pages should go in plain text (not in italics). They should not be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.

- Titles of book chapters, articles or websites in Spanish, French or Portuguese should be capitalized only in the first word; in English, in all words except articles or conjunctions; in German, in the first word and in nouns.

The format for the various bibliographic reference types is as follows:

Book References

Last Name, First Name. Year. Title of the book. City of publication: Editorial.


Hegel, G.W.F. 1991. Elements of the Philosophy of Right. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Marx, K. y Engels, F. 2008. The Manifesto of the Communist Party. London: Pluto Press.

Smith, A. 2007. The Wealth of Nations. Hampshire: Harriman House Ltd.

Luhmann, N. 1997a. Die neuzeitliche Wissenschaften und die Phänomenologie. Wien: Picus Verlag.

Luhmann, N. 1997b. Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp.

Chapters of books

Last Name, First Name. Year. Title of book chapter (pages in book). Editor last name, Editor first name (ed. Or comp.), Book title. City of publication: Editorial.


Bilbao, F. 1995. Iniciativa de la América (53-66). En Zea, L. (comp.), Fuentes de la cultura latinoamericana. México DF: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Wetz, F.J. 1998. Die Begriffe Zufall und Kontingenz (27-47). En Graevenitz, G. y Marquard, O. (eds.), Kontingenz. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag.

Internet articles

Last Name, First Name. Year. Article name. Journal name volume (number), page numbers.


Askeland, G.A. y Bradley, G. 2007. Linking Critical Reflection and Qualitative Research on a Social Work Programme in Africa. International Social Work 50(5), 671-85.

Dowd, K. 2009. Moral Hazard and the Financial Crisis. Cato Journal 29(1), 141-66.

McKinnon, K. 2007. Post development, Professionalism, and the Politics of Participation. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 97(4), 772-85.

Internet articles

Last Name, First Name. Year. Name of the material. Available at: URL [month, day, year of access to material].


Greenspan, A. 2010. Testimony of Alan Greenspan. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. Available at: subprime-lending-and-securitization-and-enterprises [February 3, 2012].

FFIEC 2009. Community Reinvestment Act. Background & Purpose. Available at: [April 21,2013].

Regular online publications with and without author

With author: Last name, Initial of first name. Year. Article title. Title of publication [Online, month of publication]. Available at: URL [month, day, year of access to material].

No author: Title of the publication. Year. Title of article [Online, month of publication]. Available at: URL [month, day, year of access to material].


Habermas, J. 2012. Wir brauchen Europa! Die Zeit [Online, October 8]. Available at: [April 21, 2013].

Batty, D. 2002. How the Other Half Lives. The Guardian [Online, August 9]. Available at: http// story/0,1141,771997,00.html [August 9, 2002].

The Economist 2013. Beyer Gets the Boot [Online, April 18]. Available at: [April 19, 2013].

Thesis and working papers

Thesis: Last name, Initial of first name. Year. Thesis title. Thesis (degree), University.

Working documents: Last name, Initial of first name. Year. Title of the working document. Number, Institution publishing document.


Lomné, G. 2003. Le lis et la grenade. Mise en scène et mutation imaginaire de la souveraineté à Quito et Santafé de Bogotá (1789-1830). Thesis (PhD), Université de Marne-la-Vallée.

Repetto, A. 2013. Vulnerabilidad y oportunidades: Los jóvenes inactivos de Chile. Working Paper 031, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.


Sources named: File Acronym Year (Full name of file, City). Name of the document, exact date. Section, Background, Tome / Volume / File. For the latter indications, abbreviated as follows: T. (Tome), Vol (Volume), Leg. (File).

Sources without year: Acronym of archive s/f (Full name of file, City). Name of the document. Section, Background, Tome / Volume / File. For the latter indications, abbreviated as follows: T. (Tome), Vol (Volume), Leg. (File).


AGN 1815 (Archivo General de la Nación, Bogotá). Miguel Palatino a Morillo, December 9, 1815. Archivo Section Annex, Fondo Guerra y Marina, T. 132.

AGN s/f (Archivo General de la Nación, Bogotá). Archivo Section, Fondo Historia, Annex, T. 13.

RAH s/f[a] (Real Academia de Historia, Madrid). Copiador de las sentencias dictadas por el Consejo de Guerra Permanente. Pablo Morillo Collection, Leg. 9/7710.

Printed newspapers

With author: Last name, Initial of first name. Year. Article title. Title of periodical, N°, month, day, year, page or pages.

No author: Title of publication. Year. Article title. Title of periodical, N°, month, day, year, page or pages.


Henríquez C. 1812. Prospecto. La Aurora de Chile, February 12, 1812, 1.

El Zurriago 1927. Bustos. El Zurriago, N° 1, December 16, 1827, 3-4.

El Mercurio 2014. Debate en la Cámara. El Mercurio, October 21, 2014, A3.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify that their submission complies with all of the following. Articles that do not comply with these guidelines will be returned to authors.

The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in the editor’s comments).

The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect format.

Whenever possible, URLs are provided for references.

Text has simple line spacing; 12 points of font size; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URLs); and all illustrations, figures and tables are placed in the appropriate places of text, rather than at the end.

The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Guidelines of the Author, which appear in About the Journal.

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated therein and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.